Qatar Jobs



The duties of a tea boy, often referred to as a “tea attendant” or “tea server,” can vary depending on the workplace and cultural context, but typically include:

  1. Preparing and serving beverages: This is the primary responsibility. Tea boys prepare tea, coffee, or other beverages according to the preferences of the staff or customers.
  2. Maintaining cleanliness: They are often responsible for keeping the tea area clean and tidy, including washing cups, saucers, and other utensils.
  3. Restocking supplies: Tea boys may need to keep track of inventory and ensure that there are enough tea leaves, coffee, sugar, milk, and other supplies available.
  4. Assisting with office tasks: In some workplaces, tea boys may be asked to assist with basic administrative tasks like photocopying, filing, or delivering messages.
  5. Providing hospitality: Tea boys often play a role in welcoming guests and providing them with refreshments.
  6. Running errands: This may include tasks such as fetching newspapers, parcels, or other items for staff members.
  7. Following health and safety guidelines: They need to ensure that all food and beverage preparation areas meet health and safety standards.
  8. Being courteous and attentive: Tea boys should provide friendly and prompt service to everyone they interact with, whether they are serving tea to executives in a boardroom or customers in a café.

In many cultures, the role of a tea boy is seen as an entry-level position that provides an opportunity for individuals to gain work experience and develop important skills such as customer service, time management, and teamwork.

Just send your cv here: +97466993209

The duties of a nurse can vary depending on their specific role, specialty, and work setting, but some common responsibilities include:

  1. Patient care: Nurses are responsible for assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluating the care of patients. This can include monitoring vital signs, administering medications, providing wound care, and assisting with activities of daily living.
  2. Health education: Nurses educate patients and their families about their health conditions, treatments, and medications. They may also provide guidance on preventive measures and healthy lifestyle choices.
  3. Medication management: Nurses are often responsible for administering medications as prescribed by physicians, ensuring that patients receive the correct dosage and that medications are given safely and on time.
  4. Collaboration with healthcare team: Nurses work closely with physicians, therapists, and other healthcare professionals to coordinate patient care and ensure that all members of the healthcare team are informed and working together effectively.
  5. Advocacy: Nurses advocate for their patients’ needs and rights, ensuring that they receive appropriate care and support. This may involve communicating with healthcare providers on behalf of patients, addressing concerns or questions, and ensuring that patients’ wishes are respected.
  6. Documentation: Nurses maintain accurate and thorough medical records, documenting patient assessments, treatments, and progress. This information is important for continuity of care and for legal and regulatory purposes.
  7. Emergency response: Nurses are trained to respond quickly and effectively in emergency situations, providing life-saving interventions and coordinating with other members of the healthcare team to stabilize patients.
  8. Health promotion and disease prevention: Nurses play a key role in promoting health and preventing illness in individuals and communities. This may involve conducting screenings, providing immunizations, and offering guidance on healthy behaviors.
  9. Support for patients and families: Nurses provide emotional support and guidance to patients and their families, helping them cope with illness, injury, or loss.
  10. Professional development: Nurses engage in ongoing education and training to stay current in their field and maintain their licensure. They may also pursue advanced certifications or degrees to specialize in a particular area of nursing practice.

just send your cv here : +97474005502


The tasks of a money collector, often referred to as a “collector” or “debt collector,” typically involve the following responsibilities:

  1. Contacting Debtors: Debt collectors are responsible for contacting individuals or businesses who owe money. They may do this via phone calls, emails, letters, or in-person visits.
  2. Negotiating Payment Arrangements: Collectors work with debtors to negotiate payment arrangements that are feasible for both parties. This may involve setting up payment plans, negotiating settlements, or arranging for lump-sum payments.
  3. Verifying Debts: Collectors must verify the validity of debts owed by confirming the accuracy of financial records and ensuring that the debt is still outstanding.
  4. Recording Communication: It’s crucial for collectors to keep detailed records of all communication with debtors, including dates, times, and the nature of the conversation. This documentation is essential for legal and regulatory compliance.
  5. Compliance with Regulations: Debt collectors must adhere to local, state, and federal regulations governing debt collection practices. This includes regulations such as the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) in the United States, which outlines guidelines for ethical debt collection.
  6. Resolving Disputes: If a debtor disputes the validity of a debt or the amount owed, collectors may need to investigate the issue and work with both the debtor and the creditor to resolve the dispute.
  7. Providing Information: Collectors may need to provide debtors with information about their rights and options for resolving their debts. This includes information about payment plans, settlement offers, and potential consequences of non-payment.
  8. Maintaining Confidentiality: Collectors must handle sensitive financial information with discretion and ensure that debtor information is kept confidential.
  9. Meeting Collection Targets: In some cases, collectors may be required to meet specific collection targets or quotas set by their employer.
  10. Customer Service: While debt collection can be a challenging and sometimes confrontational job, collectors are expected to remain professional and courteous when interacting with debtors.

Overall, the goal of a money collector is to recover outstanding debts while maintaining positive relationships with debtors and adhering to legal and ethical standards.

just send your cv here : +97470729593

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